Hot Water Heater Flushing: What is it and is it Really Necessary?
Any homeowner knows how important it is to perform regular maintenance on their home. They know that if they don’t get up with general upkeep, then they’re putting their appliances and property at risk. They know that preventative maintenance isn’t just a way to prevent appliances from breaking down, but essential to ensuring the home is a safe place. One of the regular maintenance steps that must be taken is to have your water heater flushed at least once a year.
If you have a tank water heater then it should be flushed each year
Not every type of water heater needs to be flushed on a yearly basis but tank water heaters do. If you don’t do so, then you’re likely to find yourself paying for repairs or replacement much earlier than you’d otherwise have to do. Keep reading to learn more about why it’s so important and how to schedule service. Then reach out to The Stanley Louis Company at 800-217-6527 for help.
The importance of flushing your water heater
When many homeowners think of flushing their water heater, they think of another appliance that they likely flush on a daily basis: Their toilet. They may also think of other plumbing fixtures that are easy to flush out. The reality of residential and commercial water heaters is that it’s not as simple as pushing a lever.
Instead, if you want to adequately flush out your water heater, you’ll need to work with a professional who can drain 100% of the water from your water heater storage tank. They’ll then put a hose into that tank. The water must be drained to ensure that we can get after all the mineral buildup and other sediment that’s accumulated in your water heater tank over the last year.
Potential consequences of not flushing your water heater
Of course, there’s no law that you must flush your water heater. So what happens if you don’t? What will happen is that these materials are likely to build up on the bottom of your tank. This means that they’ll end up insulting flames or whatever heating element you have. The result is that the water they’re supposed to be warming won’t be warmed as easily or as well.
There’s no question that having sediment in your water heater is one of the most likely causes of inefficiency in your water heater but it doesn’t just stop there. Over time, it can start to seep out into your pipes. This can result in damage to your pipes, low water pressure throughout your home or business, and eventually the bursting of your pipes.
If it’s been more than a year since you’ve had your water heater flushed then The Stanley Louis Company strongly recommends you call us at 800-217-6527 for help. We can help with any and all water heater related services, from repairs to installation of solar units. Call us right away to get started with a maintenance plan