
Is Hard Water Leaving Your Hot Water Heater Cold? Get Help from the Pros

Is Hard Water Leaving Your Hot Water Heater Cold? Get Help from the Pros

Is your hot water heater not quite up to the challenges it once could handle? Is it less efficient than it used to be? If so, you are likely wondering why that is and if there is anything you can do about it. The reality is that it may be time to have your hot water heater replaced. On the other hand, having it simply repaired may be enough. The bottom line is that you need to work with an experienced water heater company who can offer you advice on how to move forward. Keep reading to learn more and then contact The Stanley Louis Company at 800-217-6527 for help.

Understanding the basics of hard water

Do you know what hard water is? You have likely heard the term a few dozen times but that does not mean that you know exactly what it does. The simple answer is that hard water has more minerals than soft water. Minerals can be a good thing, especially in your drinking water, but there is certainly too much of a good thing – and that’s what hard water is.

When there are so many minerals in your water, the extra minerals can stick around and leave filmy buildup in your appliances. This is especially bad for hot water heaters because as the water heats, the minerals are separated and left behind.

Hard water can affect your water heater efficiency

One of the biggest issues with having minerals building up inside your water heater is that it can affect how energy efficient it is. The residue that’s left behind, which is known as limescale, requires your hot water heater to work harder to heat the water. As it works harder, the transfer of heat from it to the heating element to the water in the tank becomes slower.

If you have extremely hard water then your water heater will have to work extremely hard. This can result in much higher utility bills than those of a person with soft water. It can also result in your hot water heater not lasting as long as it should.

What to do if hard water is affecting your hot water heater

If you believe there is a limescale issue with your water heater then you have a few options. You can treat the water with a whole-home water softener. This will get rid of the hard water not just in your water heater but throughout the home.

Even if you do decide to get a whole-home water softener, remember that you will still need to get rid of the limescale that has been building in your tank. Contact The Stanley Louis Company at 800-217-6527 to make an appointment. We will come out, take a look, and give you an honest opinion about the best way to proceed.

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2230 Amapola Court #6
Torrance , CA , 90501 USA