
You Can Count on Us for Installation and Repair of All Types of Solar Water Heaters

You Can Count on Us for Installation and Repair of All Types of Solar Water Heaters

No matter the type or brand of solar water heater you have, you can count on The Stanley Louis Company to provide installation, repairs, maintenance, and any other services you need. With decades of experience with both solar and non-solar water heater options, we have seen it all. Call us now at 800-217-6527 if you need to replace or repair your solar water heater.

We Work with Solar Water Heaters of All Types – and We Have for Decades

Our company was founded in the early ‘80s with solar water heating as the main focus. We have expanded our services over the following decades but solar is still a passion. We believe that it is the right choice for many clients – both commercial and residential. With our nearly 40 years of experience with solar, we can handle all types of design, repair, installation, and maintenance for any type of system.

How to Choose the Right Solar Water Heater

We have worked with all major brands for many years. As a result, we know which options are best for the individual needs of our clients. When we get the right solar water heater system installed for you, it could improve your energy efficiency by as much as 50% compared to what you would pay with an electric or water heater.

The Advantages of Active Solar Systems

There are two main types of solar water heaters: Active and passive. Active options move water between a solar collector and a storage tank via a pump. This gives your home or business a constant supply of hot water. This is the most efficient option. It can be the only water heater or it can be a pre-heater to get water warm so that a conventional system can heat water more easily.

The Advantages of a Passive Solar System

The main advantage of this option is that it is more affordable than an active system, mostly because it does not include a pump. Instead, the water is heated and rises naturally from the collector up into the storage tank. The main disadvantage of this option is that there are design limitations because it is essential that the storage tank is located above the collector.

Which is Right for You? We Can Help You Decide

If you are considering a solar water heater, you are in luck: The Stanley Louis Company can help you. We will carefully go over the options with you, advise you of the advantages and disadvantages, and get it installed for you. If you already have a unit, we can repair and service it as needed. Call us now at 800-217-6527 so we can get started.

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The Stanley Louis Company
The Stanley Louis Company
2230 Amapola Court #6
Torrance , CA , 90501 USA